New home for Bridges of Love NW at
New Hope Community Church in Lake Tapps, WA.
Bridges of Love NW has moved!
Bridges of Love NW has recently moved the office to New Hope Community Church, one of our partnering churches. We are so thankful for their willingness to allow us to use their facilities. A special thank you to Puyallup Nazarene for their kindness and office space over the last year as well as those who have been praying and checking up on Bridges during this transition.
Below is our NEW contact information for 2024:
Physical Address: Mailing Address:
18408 South Tapps Drive East PO Box 767
Lake Tapps, WA 98391 Puyallup, WA 98371
New pantry location!
With our recent move the BOL pantry is now based out of another partnering church Rainier View Christian Church in Parkland. Thank you to RVCC for welcoming us into your church! We look forward to seeing how God will use us in both new locations. We try and keep in stock personal hygiene and household items as well as diapers and wipes for children. If you are interested in helping to donate to the pantry, please feel free to contact us at
Giving this Holiday season
With the help of God and four amazing partnering churches, sixteen families were blessed with a full Thanksgiving meal along with some extra supplies totaling $1,200 worth of food! For Christmas we had another partnering church sponsor three families and provided all fifteen people with gifts for the holiday.
Finishing a Ministry time with Bridges of Love NW
Sheryl Ice served and ministered through Bridges of Love NW for four years and was a Co-Director for around eighteen months. She was involved in all areas of the ministry and helped facilitate the move to the new office at “the ministry house” in 2022 which was located at the Puyallup Nazarene Church. Sheryl was the major player in the process of redoing Bridges website and changeover on the accounting system. Sheryl was also involved in communication with our partnering churches and assisting the clients.
We have missed her these last 7 months here at Bridges. We want to say “Thank-you” for a job well done and wish her God’s Blessings in the ministries that the Lord has placed her in at this time. Merry Christmas Sheryl!
Beginning a Ministry time with Bridges of Love NW
Lisa Serrano began training and volunteering with Bridges of Love NW in April of 2023. It was apparent to us that she was gifted for many areas of the Ministry. She served daily and faithfully working with clients from April to November, when she was hired as the new Co-Director. As Lisa trains and becomes familiar with the ministry, she will continue to minister to our clients and strive to better our communication with our partnering churches and those churches that may not know about the ministry of Bridges of Love NW. God has used her already as a Blessing to Bridges of Love NW and the community.
We want to say “Welcome to Bridges” Lisa. We look forward to seeing what God has for you in your new adventure!
A behind the scenes Ministry at Bridges of Love NW
Susie Olson began volunteering in 2016 in different areas of the ministry and did so until the beginning of 2019. Bookkeeping is her area of expertise, and in December of 2022 Susie was hired as our part-time bookkeeper. She helped Sheryl facilitate the changeover in our accounting system and has been involved with quarterly and year-end paperwork.
She has been a Blessing to the staff here at Bridges. We want to say “Thank-you” for all your time, effort, and hard work to keep us on track financially.
Current Needs
Our Bridges Pantry is getting low on toothpaste and cleaning supplies for clients. Soon we will have a regularly updated Amazon wish list for donors to easily donate without the hassle of going shopping or having to make a delivery if needed so keep an eye out for that 😊 In the meantime if you would like to help us get our pantry restocked, please email us at Thank you in advance!
Does your church or organization have or know of resources for people in need?
Gas cards, financial resources, food pantry, Holiday help, or anything else that we can connect people in need to? If you do, please email us so that we can update our system and we can match clients to your resources as they contact us.
Bridges of Love is a partnership and collaboration of surrounding churches, agencies, ministries, government, and schools in Pierce County so without YOU we would not be who we are.
Our mission is to connect the Church to people in need by mobilizing the Church. We can be Christ's hands and feet in the community to provide what we try to be EFFECTIVE help for the disadvantaged. We spend time talking and praying with people as we find out what their needs truly are as sometimes it is not just that they need “financial help”.
Ultimately, we would like to get them connected to a church and their own personal connection with the Lord if they are open to it.
We cannot wait to see where God leads Bridges in the coming New Year and are excited to keep you all updated along the way.
Merry Christmas and may God bless you all!
Shaun Skidmore & Lisa Serrano
Bridges of Love Co-Directors